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For the second time, the Ralfelbunyol festival specialized in spreading new music, Rafel_Festival, together with Festival ENSEMS and with the support of Institut Valencià de Cultura (IVC), Ajuntament de Rafelbunyol, Diputació de València, INAEM and Fundación SGAE, will hold the 2st International Interpretation Contest of Contemporary Music: Re_Cre@.

It is presented as a competition where young people will show their skills in the interpretation of contemporary music in all its aspects, since it is a space for acoustic music as well as the fusion of performing arts or mixed arts, electronic music and electroacoustic music and sound art.

This event is born with the purpose of offering young performers an opportunity to promote their careers as artists and, specifically, as contemporary music interpreters. We hope it will also serve, from this first edition, as a model and inspiration for many other future musicians who can feel encouraged to explore the creative musical world of the time they live in, providing them with a space where the merit of that learning, creativity, effort and many other values is rewarded and also endorsed by referents in this area and our institutions.

In the same way, the continuation of this contest will contribute to the most recent composition and musical production, since the winning group in each edition will get as a prize the absolute premiere of a musical work commissioned to composers of the Valencian territory.

The contest terms and conditions aim at taking care of the musicians and are designed for current musical works. The contest opens the stage to different formations and different kinds of music, both chamber groups and ensembles, conducted or not, and with the aim of embarking on a path: that the music of our time go out to the public and that young musicians feel more and more supported in a new and current space and be able to express themselves with their own languages.

Music in the present with a great future.

The contest organizers