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Concurs re_Cre@ 2019

Per segona vegada, el festival de Ralfelbunyol especialitzat en difondre la música de nova creació, Rafel_Festival, junt al Festival ENSEMS i amb el suport de l’Institut Valencià de Cultura (IVC), Ajuntament de Rafelbunyol, Diputació de València, INAEM i Fundació SGAE, celebrarà el II Concurs Internacional d’Interpretació de Música de Nova Creació: Re_Cre@.

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For the second time, the Ralfelbunyol festival specialized in spreading new music, Rafel_Festival, together with Festival ENSEMSand with the support of Institut Valencià de Cultura(IVC), Ajuntament de Rafelbunyol, Diputació de València, INAEM and Fundación SGAE, will hold the 2st International Interpretation Contest of Contemporary Music: Re_Cre@.

It is presented as a competition where young people will show their skills in the interpretation of contemporary music in all its aspects, since it is a space for acoustic music as well as the fusion of performing arts or mixed arts, electronic music and electroacoustic music and sound art.

This event is born with the purpose of offering young performers an opportunity to promote their careers as artists and, specifically, as contemporary music interpreters. We hope it will also serve, from this first edition, as a model and inspiration for many other future musicians who can feel encouraged to explore the creative musical world of the time they live in, providing them with a space where the merit of that learning, creativity, effort and many other values is rewarded and also endorsed by referents in this area and our institutions.

In the same way, the continuation of this contest will contribute to the most recent composition and musical production, since the winning group in each edition will get as a prize the absolute premiere of a musical work commissioned to composers of the Valencian territory.

The contest terms and conditions aim at taking care of the musicians and are designed for current musical works. The contest opens the stage to different formations and different kinds of music, both chamber groups and ensembles, conducted or not, and with the aim of embarking on a path: that the music of our time go out to the public and that young musicians feel more and more supported in a new and current space and be able to express themselves with their own languages.

Music in the present with a great future.




The contest organisers

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Voro García


Voro Garcia, born in Sueca (Spain). Studied trombone, piano, singing, chorus and orchestra conducting musicology and composition, at the Conservatory of music of Valencia, with R. Ramos and M. Galduf, among others. He attended master classes of composition with Mauricio Sotelo. Doctor of Music from the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

Winner of prizes of composition he was First Prize of the Instituto Nacional de la Juventud (2004), Oïda (2001), Prize Luis Morondo (2007), Matilde Salvador (2007), better original music (short films) and K-Lidoscopi (2012), finalist of the Bell’Arte Europa (2005), Pablo Sorozábal (2001) and ALEA III International Composition Prize (2007).

He received commissions from several official and private institutions as well as from numerous individual performers such as: INAEM (Spanish Ministry of Culture), JONDE (Young National Orchestra of Spain), CDMC, IVM (Valencian Music Institute), National Auditorium or FestClásica.

His works have been selected or commissioned by different competitions, festivals or sound platforms from around the world, his performers being: Intercontemporain Ensemble, Proyecto Guerrero, Arditti Quartet, Quatuor Tana, Court-circuit, Grup Instrumental, Ensemble Residencias, Espai Sonor, Zahir Ensemble, NeoArs Ensemble, NEXEnsemble, Plural Ensemble, Ensemble Kuraia, Grupo Enigma, Sonido Extremo, Spanish Brass, Symphonic orchestra of Castilla and León, Orchestra of Valencia, JONDE (Young National Orchestra of Spain), JOGV (young orchestra of Generalitat Valenciana) , Ensemble del Carnegie Mellon, Ensemble ALEA III, Trío Arbós, B3 Brouwer Trío, TDM Trío de Magia, Feedback, Alter Face, Amores grup de percussió, Municipal Winds orchestras of Barcelona, Bilbao or Palma de Mallorca, B. Ambrosini, A. Sukarlan, C. Dierstein, P. Carneiro, C. Dierstein, M. Weiss, M. Bernadette, S. Aparici, R. Capellino, X.Giner, A. Gomis…

Founder and creator of the Ensemble Espai Sonor in 2003. In his role as director has made the absolute premiere and / or in Spain of many works.

He has been composer-in-residence of the Group Instrumental de Valencia, in 2001-02, JONDE (Young National Orchestra of Spain), in 2005-06 and MNCARS (Auditorio 400 at the Reina Sofia National Art Centre Museum) in 2009, JOGV (young orchestra of Generalitat Valenciana) in 2009/10 and SBALZ Festival (2018). Artistic director of the Mostra Sonora in Sueca (2005- 2017). He is currently a composition teacher at the Higher Conservatory of Music of Valencia and artistic director of the Ensems Festival.

He edits his works in Babelscores, SB edicions and Ed. Piles.

[/fusion_toggle][/fusion_accordion][fusion_toggle title=”Norio Sato” open=”no” hide_pop_tinymce=””]

Norio Sato


Born in Jilin, China in 1951. Japanese guitarist Norio Sato studied under Yasumasa Obara and won first prize in the 1971 Guitar Competition (the present-day Tokyo International Guitar Competition). Sato is considered one of the leading artists in Japan today and is frequently called upon to premier new works. He concretizes and records regularly, and artistic director. In 1993, Norio received the special award in performance from the Music Competition of Japan awards and the Kyoto Music Award(Applied Music division),the Nakajima Kenzo award in 1994, and the Asahi Contemporary Music award in 1996. He is adjunct Lecture in guitar performance at Toho Junior College, Nihon University College of Art and Ferris Jogakuin.

Norio Sato performed in the international festival including in Mexico, Germany, Italy, France, England, China, Australia, USA, Venezuela, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Spain and so on. In 1997 Norio Sato founded Ensemble Nomad with purpose of performing the 20th century ensemble works and living composers. The ensemble had been performed in major festival in Japan and international, including the Gaudeamus International Music Week in Amsterdam, Festival a tempo in Caracas, Huddersfield, Morelia Festival and Cervantino festival in Mexico.

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”Maya Kimura” open=”no” hide_pop_tinymce=””]

Maya Kimura


Born in 1985 and raised in Hokkaido, Kimura was trained by Harumi Hashimoto from the age of 3.

She studied with Keiko Nosaka and Michiko Takita at the Toho Gakuen College of Drama and Music. Kimura was awarded Kenjun Prize at the 17thKenjun Memorial Kurume Koto Music Festival. She has also won various grand prizes and prizes at numerous competitions since childhood, and received the Encouragement Prize of the cities of Kushiro and Bekkai. Her international activities include performance in Berlin, Budapest, Vladivostok.

In 2009 she became one of the founding members of 4plus, with whom she has premiered over 20 contemporary works for 25-strings koto.
[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”Jenny Guerra” open=”no” hide_pop_tinymce=””]

Jenny Guerra


Jenny’s commitment with new music is clearly reflected by the numerous world premieres and a catalogue of more than 40 works dedicated to her. Also by her tours along the most prestigious theaters and concert halls of France, Germany, United Kingdom, Switzerland Greece, Cuba, Mexico, Argentina, Italy, Holland and Spain. She has recorded for radio and TV in Latin-American and Spain, and also for renowned labels such as Sony, GHA, EMI or Stradivarius. She is the artistic director and founder of B3:Brouwer Trio with which she has recorded for Verso, Fundación Autor, Rycy Productions Inc. and Naxos. She is currently violin professor at the Orchestra of Valencia and soloist of Ensemble d ́Arts.

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”Alexander Schubert” open=”no” hide_pop_tinymce=””]

Alexander Schubert


Alexander Schubert was born in 1979 in Bremen and studied bioinformatics in Leipzig and Multimedia Composition with Georg Hajdu and Manfred Stahnke in Hamburg. During his studies he has worked as a musician and composer in a variety of different environments. In addition, Schubert worked at the ZKM (Centre for Art and Media) in Karlsruhe for one year.

He’s a professor at the Musikhochschule Hamburg and the artistic head of the electronic studio at the conservatory in Lübeck and was a guest professor at Folkwang University in 2016. Mainly he’s working as a freelance composer.

Schubert’s interest explores cross-genre interfaces between acoustic and electronic music. The most characteristic feature of his work is the combination of different musical styles (like hardcore, free jazz, popular electronic music, techno) with contemporary classical concepts. He incorporates these influences based on his personal experience rather than theoretically approaching the topic. Schubert has participated in his youth and early career in all above-mentioned genres both in groups and as a solo artist. Furthermore performance pieces are a major focus in his work. The use of the body in electronic music and the transportation of additional content through gestures are key features in his pieces, which aim at empowering the performer and at achieving a maximum of energy. The constant aim to pursue the search for the highest intensity in a musical performance is a driving force in his work – and this always in a subjective and barely ever conceptual way. This also leads to the regular questioning of the border between notated and improvised music. Several pieces can be understood as highly structured improvisations.

Since 2009 he focuses on sensor-based gestural composition in both his writing and research activities (as a PhD student). In this work field he is contributing to international conferences and researches with various institutes worldwide. The combination of aesthetic, technical and scientific aspects of this interdisciplinary approach have encountered a very positive reception. His technical training as a computer scientist is the basis for a fearless dealing with technology in general and sensors in particular.

Apart from working as a composer and solo musician Schubert is also a founding member of ensembles such as “Decoder“. He has contributed to a variety of different projects as a musician, composer and programmer (e.g. Wiener Festwochen, Staatsoper Berlin, SWR), curated a festival for contemporary electronic music for several years and runs the contemporary music label Ahornfelder. He’s an organizing member of the VAMH – a collective maintaining a broad network for contemporary music and organizing an annual two-week long festival. He’s been a jury member of conferences and competitions (e.g. SSSP Conference, JTTP competition), jury head (ICMC) and held composition workshops (e.g. Mexico City, Stockholm). He is the artistic head of the electronic studio at the conservatory in Lübeck, teacher at the conservatory in Hamburg and was a guest professor at Folkwang University in 2016.

He received prizes and scholarships from ZKM, Giga-Hertz-Prize, Bourges, ICMC, NIME, JTTP, Darmstädter Ferienkurse and commissions from NDR, International Musikinstitut Darmstadt , Ensemble Resonanz, IRCAM, ZKM, HCMF, Kulturstiftung Hamburg, Piano Possible and Ensemble Intégrales amongst others.

His works have been performed more than 600 times for example by Ensemble Intercontemporain, Ictus Ensemble, Nadar Ensemble, Ensemble Mosaik, Ensemble Nikel, Klangforum Wien and Decoder Ensemble in over 40 countries, including: IRCAM Paris, NIME Sydney, ICMC, ZKM, Darmstädter Ferienkurse, Steinhardt School New York, Essl Museum Wien, Deutschlandfunk Köln, SMC Porto, MDR, Wiener Festwochen, Rainy Days Festival, Acht Brücken, TU Berlin, Kunsthalle Hamburg, Akousma Montreal, Klangwerktage Hamburg, EMM Kansas, ARD Hörspieltage, Ljubljana, USA, England, Spain, Tunisia.

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