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Echoic Memory




ECHOIC MEMORY is an audiovisual project which explores the parts of our cognitive systems combined together to form the human memory. Our visual memory is responsible for retaining visual shapes and colors, whereas spatial memory is responsible for information about locations and movement. The Echoic memory is another part of sensory memory, storing information from the sound we hear. The performance is a tour in our brain and plays the multi-dimensional cognitive maps in form of music and live visual. The sound of the saxophone of Sandro Mungianu is processed in real time by the Fabrizio Casti laptop, investigating short and long memory through music and images. The sounds of instrument and laptop generate video projections that interact with the Roberto Zanata live visual. The performance offers a highly perceptive, visual and sound return of the effect that memory has on our human experience.


Echoic Memory




Duration: 40’


Roberto Zanata: born in Cagliari, Italy, where he also graduated in Philosophy. A composer, musician, and musicologist in electronic music, he studied and graduated in composition and electronic music at the Conservatory of Cagliari. He wrote chamber music, music for theatre, computer music, electroacoustic and acousmatic music, as well as multimedia works. He teaches electronic music at the conservatory of Cesena.

Sandro Mungianu: Composer and musician. His career includes a wide range of performances, from contemporary music to video and multimedia arts. He studied piano, clarinet, saxophone and graduated in Electronic Music in Italy and Music Composition in Switzerland. He is involved in the management of contemporary music and art festivals. He currently works as a professor at the Conservatory of Como.

Fabrizio Casti: Experimental music composer. He took his degrees in Experimental Composition and Electronic Music. He is the author of vocal, instrumental and chamber, symphonic works as well as for instruments and live electronics. His works are published by RaiTrade, Ricordi and others. He teaches Elements of Music Composition and analysis at the State Music Conservatory of La Spezia.